Wednesday, September 09, 2009

the needed must read it, message

Before we go any further or tread waters that are too deep. Let's take a moment, a real serious moment to actually state the obvious.

Everything isn't for every body.

Which means that some places are too explicit, extreme and dangerous.
I am an adult meaning I can go most places but even for me I try not to recommend or push or promote too extreme a vision or visual experience that would put others in harms' way. I say this in this way to really point out that there are places online on the internet that are not safe to recommend on any computer located at home or otherwise. BE CAREFUL where and when you choose to go, ALWAYS.
THINK, WEIGH, JUDGE any action ahead of completely doing it.

Actions take responsibility, judgement and foresight.
So before I, or anyone, recommends a site or a visit anywhere YOU be the judge. Use common sense and safety because every place is not for every body no matter what age you are and no matter what the setting.

Quite a few of my readers have their own blogs, websites, however those places are not as forgiving in all settings. Please be careful and do not merely follow because it feels good. Weigh out all the sides in every case.

Google the definition of any place you want to visit, do a background check on the site, see if it is right for you then weigh out in your heart of hearts is it worth it?
Will this be a place I'd visit casually?
Why am I here?

With that said I recommend visitors requesting me to promote their site to please not put me on that spot. Let this message be the careful clear warning to all involved, thanks. I welcome your thoughts.

-Troy Notorious


That Dude Right There said...

Now let's hope everyone follows your advice.

Chet said...

I agree with you, Troy it is very important to investigate prior to latching on to various websites, blogs and so on; once agin thank you for keeping your readers in the know, we appreciate that very much.

AGB said...

Very tactful and well said.

BigBlackWolf said...

The wake-up I honestly needed... Thanks so much for those words.